.:Go.. Nads!:.
First off let me tell you about my dog Dalí so you can understand this post because it's about him. He is a Yorkshire Terrier and I got him almost a year ago. Since he's been in my house, he torments my other dog Piccola, and has destroyed furniture and clothes and books, and pretty much everything that gets on his way. He's not really evil, it's just that he's a puppy and puppies do that. They like to play and they don't know that that coffee table cost mommy a lot of money! He just knows that it tastes good! He loves wood. Oh and now he loves to pee like a man!! :S
By the way, this is the guilty bastard, don't let his cuteness fool you... he's one mean motha...

As I was saying, he's adorable and all that. In fact he's edible he's so fuckin cute. But I decided that he's the dog and I'm the owner and I will not accept him destroying my house. So then I decided to get a dog trainer to come in here. She calls me this morning and tells me that in the message I left on her machine I sounded a bit desperate. I explained to her all that has happened and she recommended that I castrate him. Yeah, castrate him! I felt immediately sorry for the little fellow so now I don't know what to do. She was like ok so castrate him and call me when it's done... Terror. At least he's a puppy so he won't feel so much pain right? Well I asked that to the vet when I made the appointment for his castration and he said that it's a very simple operation and that there's usually no pain involved. I hope not, otherwise I'm gonna feel evil for wanting to castrate a puppy. But then again my house will thank me.
Oh yeah, did I mention his pee is ruining my floor as well? That's it! He's going in next monday and que será será.... Wish him luck... But remember, don't let his cuteness fool you... It fooled me. :/
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