.:My first online diary of symbolisms, anachronisms and digitized memories:. .:Mi primer diario en internet lleno de simbolismos y memorias digitalizadas:.


.:Lost In Stampville:.

I'm still waiting for that letter from my alma matter saying that they'll accept me back for two more years. It was supposed to get here already weeks ago... I can picture it lost in a mailroom down in Florida. Maybe it's stuck under a cabinet or something. All this time waiting has had me goin nuts and thinking about my future and corny shit like that... Like: If I don't get into RISD again... what the fuck am I gonna do with my life? I'm sure things will solve themselves out slowly or maybe not. (eww!) So I wait, while my apartment and my life get renovations. The apartment is looking great. I don't know about the life of me part. It's a bit hazy. Such is life and it's mysteries I suppose.

Back to wondering what the fuck I'm gonna do...

