.:My first online diary of symbolisms, anachronisms and digitized memories:. .:Mi primer diario en internet lleno de simbolismos y memorias digitalizadas:.


.:24 Hours:.

It's been a while since I've posted here... Let's see, my two dogs have had operations or health problems in the last few weeks. One of them mostly has had discipline problems but the trainer should help me sort that out. I've been good, kind of melancholic, missing my mother. It will be another birthday without her. The good thing is I have my boyfriend. Without him this healing process would be much slower...

Last night I went dancing with my friend Manolo and met other friends there. The cool thing was I know the person at the door and I only had to pay 12 bucks for both of us... that was an unexpected pleasure. It was good seeing Laura also, I wasn't expecting she'd give us the discount. That was really sweet of her. I danced my ass off. My favorite was when one of the dj's played a re-mix of a White Stripes song... I forget the name but it rocks. That was cool. The place was full of come-mierdas but I guess that comes with the territory here. After all, the entrance cost 15 bucks with flyer 20 bucks without... Supposedly the guys from Cafe Tacuba were there but dammed if I saw them. The place was so hot and crowded... I would have prefered if it was at Pier 10, not at an Italian restaurant... wtf!? It was fun when I saw a friend's ex boyfriend that I hadn't seen in a while. I didn't recognize him at first, then he was like... girl what have you done with yourself!? You look great! I was kind of a smart ass because I replied: "it must be all the exercise I've been doing with my boyfriend" ha! That was funny. Anyway I think maybe I was a bit too harsh but if my memory serves me correctly that guy always treated me like shit. It was fun to do that little come back. Who cares anyway? :)

I've been getting some good ideas for photographs... I really wanna go to grad school and study photography this time. I went to film school, and it was great but my passion is definately photography. I still love film, but it's based on equipment work. In turn photography is more personal to me. It's just me and my camera and whatever gets captured in my frame. I've been talking lately about motivation, and it seems to me that talking is good but doing is better. So I'm gonna do this.

My cousin her husband and my niece are coming to Puerto Rico for Christmas. I can't fuckin wait! I haven't seen my niece in so long. She's awesome. I can't wait to have her around me. It's gonna be so much fun!

The band I'm in: Remison Silica is getting it on and I'm so happy about that. Wer'e going to be playing soon live which is gonna be good for us. I hope after that we can get going and just not look back. I especially hope this because I know we are going to need this re-affirmation to be able to go on. That makes sense to me anyway. So, I wish us success. :P
