.:Halloween Pics!:.
Presione en la foto de "Manola la Borracha", para ver más fotos de la fiesta de Pello de Jaloguin. Enjoy!
.:My first online diary of symbolisms, anachronisms and digitized memories:. .:Mi primer diario en internet lleno de simbolismos y memorias digitalizadas:.
Presione en la foto de "Manola la Borracha", para ver más fotos de la fiesta de Pello de Jaloguin. Enjoy!
I love to experiment with photography. I think my high school photo teacher is responsible for that affinity. She always taught us alternative ways of printing, shooting, etc. I gotta say, she was the best, I miss her. Now I find lomography.com and am like whoa! It's photo experimentation heaven, people. Alternative cameras, alternative ways of shooting, the possibilities are endless. I have to be careful though because I could get caught up in all that and lose my focus. Then my ADD will undoubtedly kick in and it will all be one big experimentation boom.
It's raining cats and dogs right now. I'm lovin' it. Rain is definately best when I'm at home in a lazy day. (Even though I had some errands to do) But, it's ok! I prefer the rain to the stark sun. And right now it goes with my mood. So, I say let it rain! Rain to wash down the pain.
Another picture break! Esta foto es de una serie titulada: .:banalities:. :D
Ha sido el fin de semana de más ocio y banalidad de mi vida... Básicamente, he estado sentada frente al televisor, con la computadora en frente, viendo tv y surfeando el internet mientras peleo con la cortina de baño que sigue calléndome encima porque es una reverenda mierda. :P Peachy right? En toda esta semana, he mejorado si acaso 15% de mi salud. Osea, estoy a un mero 85% para ser 100% yo. Ayer no pude aguantar el estar en mi casa más asi que decidí que manejaría. Llevé a David a Home Depot mientras yo esperaba en el carro. Aunque después me dieron más calambres, no importa, valió la pena y por lo menos eso me subió el ánimo. Después de eso, ya podrán imaginar que hize... Por lo menos esta vez David se quedó conmigo aunque fué más de lo mismo además de pagar par de cuentas por internet, ver SNL y parte del juego de baseball (which btw bores meeee t'ill no end) y leer par de revistas, básicamente así fue.
KERRY: I want you to notice how the president switched away from jobs and started talking about education principally.
No really, I am a hippo, thanks to the speedy reversal of my thyroid from overworking it's little ass off to hardly working at all, I now have these symptoms:
The symptoms of hypothyroidism are mainly dependent on the amount of decrease in thyroid hormone and duration of time that the decrease has been present. For most patients, the symptoms are mild and can often be confused with other problems. The symptoms may include the following:
* fatigue and muscle swelling or cramps (mainly in the arms and legs and neck and face and even my ass!)
* tingling in the fingers
* loss of equilibrium
* weight gain
* dry skin and cold intolerance
* yellow skin (hmm not yellow yet)
* coarseness or loss of hair
* constipation (pffft)
* hoarseness
* memory and mental impairment (yesterday I coudn't remember the name of my favorite jewelry store... twas a sad day indeed)
* decreased concentration
* depression (I cry at stupid commercials! Which is not only cliché, it's stupid)
* irregular or heavy menstruation
* infertility or miscarriages
* slowed heart rate :/
* myxedema: fluid infiltration of the tissues causing puffiness (mainly in the face) (yeah, tell me about it!)
Por fin aqui les posteo unas fotillos de mi birthday party!
Suena como un buen nombre para una banda no? Ahora el partido republicano está nervioso porque la semana pasada Michael Moore registró para voto a 10,000 "slackers" en el estado de Michigan. Él les ofrecio a los slackers hombres un paquete de calzoncillos y a las mujeres unas sopas ramen. Al parecer ese es el slacker kit oficial. Ahora los republicanos quieren meter a la carcel porque ellos dicen que .Michael está comprando los votos. jajjajaja. Todo el rollo lo encuentro tan y tan chistoso. Yo creo que es que estan nerviositos de que 10,000 slackers van a votar en contra de Bush. A ver que pasa en el próximo capítulo de Michael vs the right wingers.
Yay! La fiesta fue un rotundo éxito! La pasé tan bien que ni hangover me dió... Claro, que sobró mucha comida (que problema...) y cerveza... (otro gran problema) Eso quiere decir que ahora tengo que hacer ooooootra fiesta para que se acaben las cosas. No vino todo el mundo que invité pero los escenciales estuvieron. Gracias a Mimi por su lindo regalo de la pintura que me hizo! Me encantó!!!! Ahora por fin tengo un Mimi original!
What a bad speaker Bush is! He was so repetitive and redundant at parts. And it's so hillarious how the republicans put him up at some sort of pedestal like he's the last Coke on earth. PUHLEEEEEEZE! Kerry won that debate in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT POSSIBLE. Bush was obviously shaken and stirred. Kerry was cool and collected. Bush was repetitive in almost every single question. Kerry was eloquent and could express himself like the intellectual man that he is. It seemed that Bush was repeating the things he repeated because he's not only trying to convince the American people of his "ideas" but he's trying to convince himself! Decisive? I think not. Arrogant? Definately! The moment when Bush said: "You cannot become the leader of this country by sending MEXED MISS... um missed messages". You cannot continue to be the leader of a country without being a good public speaker not to mention the fact that you can't be in a debate and get publicly flustered and angered. PEOPLE! Kerry is THE MAN! If I was in the states right now, I'd be campaigning or helping out as much as I can...