.:My first online diary of symbolisms, anachronisms and digitized memories:. .:Mi primer diario en internet lleno de simbolismos y memorias digitalizadas:.


.:Halloween Pics!:.

Manola the Drunk Girl
Originally uploaded by iv0.
Presione en la foto de "Manola la Borracha", para ver más fotos de la fiesta de Pello de Jaloguin. Enjoy!




.:Seeing in Infrared:.

I love to experiment with photography. I think my high school photo teacher is responsible for that affinity. She always taught us alternative ways of printing, shooting, etc. I gotta say, she was the best, I miss her. Now I find lomography.com and am like whoa! It's photo experimentation heaven, people. Alternative cameras, alternative ways of shooting, the possibilities are endless. I have to be careful though because I could get caught up in all that and lose my focus. Then my ADD will undoubtedly kick in and it will all be one big experimentation boom.

In other news, the doggie I rescued from the streets weeks ago, has found a new home! I was so happy to hear that! Since I've been sick the campaign to find her/him a home has been stalling. Did I mention the dog is a hermaphrodite? She's gonna be ok though, just needs to get operated on n she/he whatever can live a full life. I'm glad she has a home though! yaaaay!

My friend Pello is gonna have a Halloween party tonight. I'm still debating on whether to go or not. Eeeenie meenie Miney Mo.
I guess I'll play it by ear.


A big hello and welcome to my friend Carlos, an extremely talented painter, illustrator and photographer living in Germany at the moment. I'm glad your'e doing awesome man! Welcome to the world of words thrown together into the internet abyss. :P
(that reminds me, I'm gonna link your page to my site when it's done) We can do a whole link thingie!)

Ok gotta go food shopping now. later,




.:The Self Pity Parade is Over:.


I've decided to just have patience and not talk about this thing anymore. So... next!

Lemme see.

I'm gonna be taking some nudes soon. I even got models n everything. I'm so psyched. :D I got a tripod at B&H cuz I'ma need that... I think it's about time I get a freakin tripod. I also got some film and yeah... (important) A polaroid back for my H1! Woooo. So I'll be playing with the polaroid transfers n such... maybe... soon. ;)

I need to see a good live show. Man I wish I could jet down to London to see Placebo at Wembley. :/ "Fairy tales, can come true, it can happen to you... bla bla bla!" I even looked at the tickets but, I'm sure the tickets that are left are the really shitty seats, and I ain't jetting allll the way down there to see ants up on a stage. Know what I mean?

Well, it's been a blast, but now I have to go. Gotta run some e-rrands.

hasta la vista!




.:let it rain:.

let it rain...
Originally uploaded by iv0.
It's raining cats and dogs right now. I'm lovin' it. Rain is definately best when I'm at home in a lazy day. (Even though I had some errands to do) But, it's ok! I prefer the rain to the stark sun. And right now it goes with my mood. So, I say let it rain! Rain to wash down the pain.



.:Piccola strikes a pose:.

Piccola strikes a pose
Originally uploaded by iv0.
She's such a cutie isn't she? I wuvs her!

(and Dali too of course!)



.:the manipulator in action:.

the manipulator in action!
Originally uploaded by iv0.
Dali el perro mas manipulador que cualquier humano pueda conocer.


.:dirty dishes:.

dirty dishes
Originally uploaded by iv0.
Another picture break! Esta foto es de una serie titulada: .:banalities:. :D

Enjoy! or not!



.:Nothing to see here:.

Ha sido el fin de semana de más ocio y banalidad de mi vida... Básicamente, he estado sentada frente al televisor, con la computadora en frente, viendo tv y surfeando el internet mientras peleo con la cortina de baño que sigue calléndome encima porque es una reverenda mierda. :P Peachy right? En toda esta semana, he mejorado si acaso 15% de mi salud. Osea, estoy a un mero 85% para ser 100% yo. Ayer no pude aguantar el estar en mi casa más asi que decidí que manejaría. Llevé a David a Home Depot mientras yo esperaba en el carro. Aunque después me dieron más calambres, no importa, valió la pena y por lo menos eso me subió el ánimo. Después de eso, ya podrán imaginar que hize... Por lo menos esta vez David se quedó conmigo aunque fué más de lo mismo además de pagar par de cuentas por internet, ver SNL y parte del juego de baseball (which btw bores meeee t'ill no end) y leer par de revistas, básicamente así fue.


Por lo menos hoy sí me siento un poco mejor... Ojalá que vuelva a 100% o hasta un 80% para el próximo fin de semana. Me voy porque tengo una cita con el televisor y el sofá que no me puedo perder.




Originally uploaded by iv0.
And now, for a picture break. This is a "still life from my dresser #001.




.:The first great soundbyte by Kerry in the debate:.

KERRY: I want you to notice how the president switched away from jobs and started talking about education principally.

Let me come back in one moment to that, but I want to speak for a second, if I can, to what the president said about fiscal responsibility.

KERRY: "Being lectured by the president on fiscal responsibility is a little bit like Tony Soprano talking to me about law and order in this country."


This president has taken a $5.6 trillion surplus and turned it into deficits as far as the eye can see. Health-care costs for the average American have gone up 64 percent; tuitions have gone up 35 percent; gasoline prices up 30 percent; Medicare premiums went up 17 percent a few days ago; prescription drugs are up 12 percent a year


before & after

before & after
Originally uploaded by iv0.
See post below for full information and description.


.:I'm a HIPPO:.

No really, I am a hippo, thanks to the speedy reversal of my thyroid from overworking it's little ass off to hardly working at all, I now have these symptoms:

The symptoms of hypothyroidism are mainly dependent on the amount of decrease in thyroid hormone and duration of time that the decrease has been present. For most patients, the symptoms are mild and can often be confused with other problems. The symptoms may include the following:

* fatigue and muscle swelling or cramps (mainly in the arms and legs and neck and face and even my ass!)
* tingling in the fingers
* loss of equilibrium
* weight gain
* dry skin and cold intolerance
* yellow skin (hmm not yellow yet)
* coarseness or loss of hair
* constipation (pffft)
* hoarseness
* memory and mental impairment (yesterday I coudn't remember the name of my favorite jewelry store... twas a sad day indeed)
* decreased concentration
* depression (I cry at stupid commercials! Which is not only cliché, it's stupid)
* irregular or heavy menstruation
* infertility or miscarriages
* slowed heart rate :/
* myxedema: fluid infiltration of the tissues causing puffiness (mainly in the face) (yeah, tell me about it!)

Anyway, such is life. I really don't wanna complain, I hate whiners. But allow me this lil bit. I just wanna feel like my old self again and be able to go to the gym and go to live shows and take pictures and go dancing, and and and do the things I like to do without it being a big production! I'm so sick of this!!! Ok...



At least I went to the doctor yesterday and she raised the dose on my pill and gave me another pill as well to help me with the deflating. (or something along those lines...) So, wish me luck, or godspeed or whatever cuz she also house arrested me for two weeks. So there will be and I mean this in all senses: MORE OF ME TO GO AROUND!

wish me luck guys!

ciao ciao.




Dalí et Piccola

Originally uploaded by iv0.
Esta es una prueba. A ver si aparece la foto... *cruzando los dedos*



Por fin aqui les posteo unas fotillos de mi birthday party!

La homogeneada. Ok ya traía par de tragos encima...

Mimi, Ade, Antoinne y Joel teniendo una relación cercana con la picadera. :P

Otro punto de vista.

Tipsy Turvey con Vero y Laura

Roxana y Jaime bailan o es Jaime el único que baila en la foto? jijiji

Pablo, Yadira, Patricia y Luis. (si es Luis no? ojala que no me equivoque!)

Manolo hace el brindis con Dalí... sí, mi perro Dalí...

A little less conversation, a little more action. ;)


Ok, podemos establecer que mi amigo Manolo sí la pasó de lo más bien... jijijij

Todo el mundo la pasó bien! (digo todos del mundo que asistieron... ejem)

A la izquierda el bartender. Muchas nenas estaban gaga por el bartender. Pero a mí no me hace mucho eso de modelitos... (yeah right) Bueno, solo para mirar. :P

Antoinne with puppy face. Mimi with face with nose piercing.

Esta foto fue tomada con una cámara desechable... En color se veía horrible!

Moi et Patty. Hace tanto tiempo que no veía a Patricia, mi mejor amiga de infancia.

Jaime y Vivi enseñan los dientes. :D

Liliana y Pello deciden no enseñar los pearly whites. :P

Vero and her famous cupcakes. :P!

A bartender and two girls.

Vivi lights a fag. ;)

Pabera... ya ni me acuerdo de qué.

And that's all folks... Espero que hayan disfrutado de este pequeño viaje visual. Pronto prometo poner más fotos de otros temas etc...




.:Michael Moore and the Infamous Slackers:.

Suena como un buen nombre para una banda no? Ahora el partido republicano está nervioso porque la semana pasada Michael Moore registró para voto a 10,000 "slackers" en el estado de Michigan. Él les ofrecio a los slackers hombres un paquete de calzoncillos y a las mujeres unas sopas ramen. Al parecer ese es el slacker kit oficial. Ahora los republicanos quieren meter a la carcel porque ellos dicen que .Michael está comprando los votos. jajjajaja. Todo el rollo lo encuentro tan y tan chistoso. Yo creo que es que estan nerviositos de que 10,000 slackers van a votar en contra de Bush. A ver que pasa en el próximo capítulo de Michael vs the right wingers.

Hace dos noches me compré el nuevo disco de Ely Guerra titulado: Sweet and Sour Hot and Spicy y tengo que decir que está absolutamente genial! Ely dice: “…lo sweet se lleva con lo sour, lo hot debe ser spicy! eso lo sé yo y entonces confirmo la tibia felicidad, casi divina, de el mismo Zeus y la misma Venus tocando mi boca de dulce y amargo, de picante y condimentado, y me dejo llevar como quien no tiene prisa, bien flojita a los placeres del amor y el deseo.”
Ely Guerra

Bravo Ely! Eres una generala.

Ahora me da curiosidad algo... Yo estoy a punto de hacer unas fotografías para una exposición que tengo en noviembre o diciembre de desnudos. Es decir: me encanta el subconsciente universal. Para mi es esa via donde las ideas universales flujen. Un idea-mation super highway (if you will)... El punto es que las fotos que yo pensé en hacer hace más o menos 3 semanas, tienen que ver con la comida y la sexualidad. Ahora, sé que ese tema no es nada nuevo. De hecho Isabel Allende escribió su libro de recetas buenísimo por cierto sobre ese mismo tema. Afrodita se llama si no me equivoco. (Lo tengo por ahí pero hace tiempo que no lo ojeo.) Aunque mi idea es algo modernizada y sintetizada, pienso que la base está ahí. Siempre relacionamos la comida con el sexo por ser dos experiencias tan placenteras juntas ó separadas. Ahora simplemente (y digo simplemente porque pienso que lo simple es siempre más bello) yo quiero explorar ese tema usando el medio fotográfico. OK ya ya ya ya ya me voy a callar lo prometo.

Esta masturbación mental es traída a ustedes gracias a la mente colectiva universal. (o algo) :)




.:Champagne and Chambord Dreams:.

Yay! La fiesta fue un rotundo éxito! La pasé tan bien que ni hangover me dió... Claro, que sobró mucha comida (que problema...) y cerveza... (otro gran problema) Eso quiere decir que ahora tengo que hacer ooooootra fiesta para que se acaben las cosas. No vino todo el mundo que invité pero los escenciales estuvieron. Gracias a Mimi por su lindo regalo de la pintura que me hizo! Me encantó!!!! Ahora por fin tengo un Mimi original!

Bailamos, bebimos y jodimos con cojones... Y fue bueno ver a Patricia y a Nicky a quienes no veo suficiente por causa de que tienen dos hijos y pues estan muy ocupados, pero mi amistad con Patty no sufre ese tipo de distancia, por lo menos. Hoy me invitaron a un Bar-bq, pero estoy tan cansada que he decidido quedarme y descansar. Mañana a trabajar y pronto fotos del acontecimiento... jejeje.

Tambien Tito Trinidad ganó, esa fue una gran causa por la ausencia de mucha gente a mi fiesta, estaban viendo la pelea! Pero me alegré muchísimo por Tito, aunque yo pensé que no ganaría como estaba retirado. Igual comparto el sentimiento general de acá en estar muy feliz por el y su fuerte regreso! Hoy había una caravana desde el aeropuerto porque llegó. Le dieron el recibimiento que se merecía. Me dió pena por los carros que no aguantaron el tráfico y se quedaron sin funcionar... Me imagino que no les importo mucho si pudieron ver al campeón pasar por ahí.

Bueno, me voy a ver una peliculita o a leer. Compré este libro llamado "Bush on the Couch" que trata sobre un psicoanalista que le hace un análisis (valga la redundancia) completo al presidente bush por sus actuaciones en discursos entre otras cosas. Está muy interesante. Cuando lo termine les cuento que tal.

Hasta la próxima!




.:Bush and his Mexxed Missage:.

What a bad speaker Bush is! He was so repetitive and redundant at parts. And it's so hillarious how the republicans put him up at some sort of pedestal like he's the last Coke on earth. PUHLEEEEEEZE! Kerry won that debate in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT POSSIBLE. Bush was obviously shaken and stirred. Kerry was cool and collected. Bush was repetitive in almost every single question. Kerry was eloquent and could express himself like the intellectual man that he is. It seemed that Bush was repeating the things he repeated because he's not only trying to convince the American people of his "ideas" but he's trying to convince himself! Decisive? I think not. Arrogant? Definately! The moment when Bush said: "You cannot become the leader of this country by sending MEXED MISS... um missed messages". You cannot continue to be the leader of a country without being a good public speaker not to mention the fact that you can't be in a debate and get publicly flustered and angered. PEOPLE! Kerry is THE MAN! If I was in the states right now, I'd be campaigning or helping out as much as I can...

Meanwhile I just got an email from Michael Moore's mailing list: here's a copy:

Dear Friends,

This is it: One month to D-Day! That's "Dump Bush Day," November 2nd.

It's now time to roll up our sleeves -- each and every one of us -- and get to work. There will be nearly 10 million of you who will read this letter either on my list or on my site. An army of ten million cannot be defeated! The time for hitting the snooze button has passed, voter registration deadlines start Monday and we only get one shot at this!!!

My plan is simple. Will you join me in the following?

1. REGISTER FIVE PEOPLE TO VOTE THIS WEEKEND. There are only a few days left in most states before voter registration is cut off. Keep asking like-minded people you know if they are registered. If they are not, take them to this website where you can show them where they need to go to get registered. Offer to take them there yourself. Take them to lunch afterward! If you can, pick up registration forms from your local city or county clerk (or get them from you local Democratic Party or Kerry HQ). Carry them with you everywhere you go. Hook up with local groups standing outside shopping centers and events this weekend or Monday or Tuesday and register people there. Nothing is more critical in the next 48 to 72 hours than to get our people registered. The wealthy and the conservatives are already registered -- the poor, the single moms, the recent transplants to your town are not. And neither are students and young adults (check local and state laws, some of which make it very hard for college students to register and vote). VOTER REGISTRATION ENDS ON MONDAY IN Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia. Make no mistake, if you live in any of these states – realize now that WHAT YOU DO OR DON’T DO THIS WEEKEND will have an effect on this election!!!

2. CALL AND VOLUNTEER NOW. There is nothing more important in the next 31 days than spending whatever free time you have working to remove George W. Bush from the White House. Again, call the local Democratic Party HQ or the local Kerry HQ or the ACT office and say you want to help. They will put you to work making calls, going door to door, putting up yard signs, lining up rides on Election Day for senior citizens, etc. Removing Bush and electing Kerry will require physical labor on all our parts. We just can't sit home and wish it to happen. (A Warning: Some local Dem HQs are not always as organized as you would hope them to be. If you call and they don't have it together, don't get discouraged. Just move on to my next point, #3...)

3. START YOUR OWN KERRY CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS! If the Dems don't have it together in your area, don't complain, just take matters into your own hands and run your own campaign for Kerry. Or, even if there is a strong Kerry presence in your county seat, there still may not be in the outlying areas where you live. There's nothing wrong with you and your friends saying, "OK, today we inaugurate the Kerry HQ here in Hooterville...or Kurt Cobain High...or Dorm Building 5!" If you can't get signs or leaflets, make your own! Don't wait for someone to do it, otherwise it won't get done. Send me pictures of your own renegade Elect Kerry/Dump Bush HQ and I will put them up on my site!

4. IF YOU DON'T LIVE IN A SWING STATE, GO THERE AND START SWINGING. Virtually everyone in this country lives within driving distance of one of the 20 battleground states where the election will be close. Pick one weekend this month and go on a fall color tour to dump Bush. Pack up the kids or the neighbors, pick a town -- any town -- in your nearest swing state, reserve a room at the local Motel 6 and hit the road! Volunteer online or call ahead to the local party HQ to say you are coming and you want them to put you to work (again, if there is no one there to put you to work, make your own handbills, print out a thousand of them, and just show up in Anywhere, Ohio and start going door to door). There are other groups doing work in the swing states that you can hook-up with, like ACT and Driving Votes who could really use your help getting out the vote. You don't have to feel left out of this election just because you live in New York or California or Illinois or any of the other 29 states the candidates won't be visiting. Take matters into your own hands. Think of what a great educational experience it will be for your kids -- or yourself. JUST ONE WEEKEND THIS MONTH -- PLAN IT NOW!

5. TAKE OFF WORK OR SCHOOL NOVEMBER 2. We need everyone working the polls, the phones, the neighborhoods from dawn to dusk. Poll watchers are needed to make sure there is no cheating. Help is needed in all 50 states and you can do it from home or you can park yourself in a swing state for the day.

There you have it. Five Simple Steps. I’ll be doing my part as I travel the country to the 20 swing states. Please join with me in this effort. Kerry is doing his part, he won the first debate (stop the kvetching...of course YOU would have done a better job! But YOU'RE not running for president! He beat Bush...Bush must go!!). Remember, what's at stake in this election is bigger than John Kerry, bigger than political parties and all the other noise that accompanies politicians and their elections. This is about that mother from Flint, Michigan -- and all the other mothers from all the other towns in America -- who have lost and WILL LOSE their sons and daughters in Bush’s never-ending war in Iraq.

Please, put aside whatever keeps you from jumping in to do the necessary work to remove George W. Bush from office. This can only be accomplished when you, right now, stop reading this letter and make that call (or click that mouse) to get involved.

Thanks so much...

Michael Moore

P.S. If you are having trouble registering or voting, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

P.P.S. If you have a chance to see Going Upriver, the great new documentary about John Kerry in theaters this week, do so! (© Michael Moore '04. *I dun want any legal troubles eh? hehe)
