.:My first online diary of symbolisms, anachronisms and digitized memories:. .:Mi primer diario en internet lleno de simbolismos y memorias digitalizadas:.


.:Quizas, Quizas, Quizas:.

I remember the last time I went to NYC, I was in SOHO with my boyfriend and it was raining. All of the sudden we try to find refuge and the only place that we find open in the street we were on, was a gallery. It wasn't just any gallery, it was a photography gallery! The name is PHOTOGRAPHIC. It was strange to see only pictures in a gallery since I'm used to seeing paintings, especially here in Puerto Rico. After I saw the pictures, I started to talk with one of the partners that was having lunch in her desk.

She was really nice and approachable, which seemed strange to me since this was obviously a respected gallery and people that owned respected galleries aren't supposed to be nice! Well she was and I was so happy about that. We talked about photographs, and I asked her about how photographers should submit portfolios. She told me all I wanted to know truthfully and then I went on with my big dreaming: "Hey what does it take to open a Photo Gallery?" She goes on to explain to me what it takes while my brain starts machinating...

Finally she states that if I ever open a Photography Gallery in Puerto Rico, to give her a call so we can exchange artists. Needless to say that makes sense to a photographer, to make a gallery to have an outlet to show their work. It makes sense to me! And in PR we don't have galleries that are meant to expose only photos. There is not a home for the photographers that reside here. Which is why many of them, if not most, leave the island to find better opportunity in the states. It all has become this viscious circle that is harder and harder to break as time goes on. I want to do this, but I don't have the resources to do this now. So patience will be my virtue and I will learn all I have to get the means to my end. ;)
