.:My first online diary of symbolisms, anachronisms and digitized memories:. .:Mi primer diario en internet lleno de simbolismos y memorias digitalizadas:.


.:The Piano Teacher:.

En Español: Nunca he visto la película "The Piano Teacher". Si recuerdo que alguien por ahí me la recomendó. Debería de verla... Esto viene de que estoy tomando clases de piano. Después de fracasar fatálmente en las clases de guitarra, me meto en piano... Ahora a ver como me vá... jaja Lo bueno es que uno de mis mejores amigos es el que me está dando clases. Así que por lo menos eso es genial. La idea le vino cuando estábamos hablando en mi casa y viendo una peli, cuando de repente el dice que escribo rápido en la computadora que eso es bueno para aprender piano. Vamos a ver a donde me llevan las clases. Por lo menos ya he tomado una y me fue bastante bien. A ver si todavía tengo el chance de convertirme en pianista... :0

In English: I never actually saw the movie The Piano Teacher. I do remember someone told me it's not a bad flick. Maybe I should see it. The point is: I'm taking piano lessons. I know, weird huh? This idea came from my friend Pello, who is actually the teacher. Pello is one of my best mates. He's a good friend. He saw that I type really fast in the computer and told me that I would learn the piano fast... I had taken guitar lessons and failed he knew of that, but he said that piano is not guitar: supposedly it's more simple. So who knows? I may yet become a great musician... Gah I have so many dreams, so many things I want to do. I feel like a super multi tasker. But like Pello said, I'm not doing much of anything right now, so this will be good for me. It will just be another creative outlet where I can unwind... or something like that.

Other than that, I bought a whole bunch of dvd's today so I better get to watching some of those. I know I don't have to watch them as soon as I buy them, but that's me: I'm uncurable when it comes to my movie-buffiness or film addiction extraordinaire...

I'm getting some ideas and preliminary designs from eze about my site. I can't wait! It's gonna look gooooooood. Yeah. :P



.:Some Pictures:.

Cierra los Ojos

@ the drive in

me @ the diner/drive in

David doing something he does a lot. (especially when I take out my camera... heh)

Funky Picture of Api's "Drive In" - Just so you know this drive in thing is a lie. They don't actually have a drive in... :/


.:Quizas, Quizas, Quizas:.

I remember the last time I went to NYC, I was in SOHO with my boyfriend and it was raining. All of the sudden we try to find refuge and the only place that we find open in the street we were on, was a gallery. It wasn't just any gallery, it was a photography gallery! The name is PHOTOGRAPHIC. It was strange to see only pictures in a gallery since I'm used to seeing paintings, especially here in Puerto Rico. After I saw the pictures, I started to talk with one of the partners that was having lunch in her desk.

She was really nice and approachable, which seemed strange to me since this was obviously a respected gallery and people that owned respected galleries aren't supposed to be nice! Well she was and I was so happy about that. We talked about photographs, and I asked her about how photographers should submit portfolios. She told me all I wanted to know truthfully and then I went on with my big dreaming: "Hey what does it take to open a Photo Gallery?" She goes on to explain to me what it takes while my brain starts machinating...

Finally she states that if I ever open a Photography Gallery in Puerto Rico, to give her a call so we can exchange artists. Needless to say that makes sense to a photographer, to make a gallery to have an outlet to show their work. It makes sense to me! And in PR we don't have galleries that are meant to expose only photos. There is not a home for the photographers that reside here. Which is why many of them, if not most, leave the island to find better opportunity in the states. It all has become this viscious circle that is harder and harder to break as time goes on. I want to do this, but I don't have the resources to do this now. So patience will be my virtue and I will learn all I have to get the means to my end. ;)




These past two days I've been talking to a friend in Argentina. He has a new company that does web pages. Clicktech is the name and he's doing my site for free! Well, his part anyway. But either way it's going to be cheaper since the company is based in Argentina. Since the dollar there is still 3 to 1, it's cheap. (Even though the truth is I wish the situation in Argentina gets better. Don't get me wrong, I'm not celebrating the fact that theyr'e going through a hard economic time...) I've been doing research to see what my page is gonna look like and all I can say is I'm really excited about having my page up soon. I bought the domain ages ago... It's been sitting there doing nothing. Now I have to send him the cd with the pictures and some peanut butter. I wonder why in Argentina it's so hard to find peanut butter... I'm gonna ask him the next time I see him...



.:If I howl at the moon, will it howl back?:.

For the past year, I've been dealing with a huge loss in my life: my mother and I've been getting back to a big passion in my life: photography. I can't bring my mother back. I can only move forward. So what I've decided is that I want to study photography and now for real.

The thing is: I went to an extremely well respected art school. The name is RISD which is short for Rhode Island School of Design. RISD was the only school I wanted to go to. I even had a backup plan just in case I didn't get in. But alas, I did. And I was extremely happy. One of the major factors on me getting in was my photography portfolio. The funny thing of all this was that half a year later, during Freshman Foundation, I was hanging out in my 3 dimensional design class led by Al deCredico and I took my camera out and started to take pictures. All of the sudden he asks me if I'm gonna mayor in photography. I tell him: "that's why I'm here". He asks me what kind of pictures does your portfolio have? I describe some of the pictures to him. After that he looks pensive and I wonder what he's thinking. He actually says: "I remember that portfolio! I was really happy with it. I thought it was an extremely good portfolio. -I'm just paraphrasing here but the idea is that this conversation did take place even though not exactly as portrayed here.-
I remember I was excited and honored that such an amazing teacher would remember my portfolio...

A year later I end up changing my major to film/video/animation. So I everything changed because of that one decision. I can't say that I'm sorry I decided film instead of photography at the end. I can only say that I feel like I miss many technical aspects within photography that I still want to learn. I regret nothing. Especially because I believe that things happen for a reason. I was meant to study film, now I'm meant to study photography. Yes, photography.

I recently had a conversation on msn with my best friend Mimi, and she told me the good news that NYU offers a graduate level course in photography. And the best thing is, that NYU has a direct relationship with ICP which is the International Center of Photography. This news got my blood pumping again. I immediately decided to learn all I could about the program and download the application. It's all downloaded and now I need two letters of recommendation and a 20 slide portfolio with all new work. I have to get to work but now it will be for a purpose which I know will inspire me to turn in some great slides. Now all I need to figure out is who to ask for the letters of recommendation...

Man, am I psyched... :)



.:Remison Silica:.

El Che in front of the fine establishment where we played at.

Last night we went to do our first show in a while. Actually it was my first show with Remison Silica. It was awesome! It was a rainy night but as soon as we got out of San Juan the rain stopped which was a good thing. We met up with Michael and his wife at a middle point before going to the place. It was a nice drive although I heard in the back of my head this sound in the like of: "Slow down Ivonne!!!" But we got there fast and we got there safe! The place took us all by surprise because even though it was in a small remote town, it was really nicely decorated. What didn't surprise me at all was the smallness of the place, but that was cool because it made it cozy. In fact, the place didn't even seem to belong there. The name of the place is Pepe's which lessens the ultimate caché value it may have, but it's not an unknown type of name... We were there almost 2 hours before we would play so the guys set the equipment up and we did a test run with Mujer Kamikaze and it sounded great.

David tuning his gueehtahhhr.

When it came time for us to finally play, I grabbed the guys and invited those who wanted to a shot. Only two of them accepted so I had a sweet shot (I forget the name) and they had tequila... They started with an instrumental song called Nogin and it sounded awesome except I don't believe the crowd there could appreciate an instrumental song in the beggining of a set- especially if those people are used to hearing bands that do covers only... But it turned out awesome and people even clapped. Fernando was pissed because one of his strings broke during the second song but thanks to the fact that David had brought two guitars that didn't damper the situation too much. After that I did choruses for the rest of the songs that I sing in. Before I got to sing my song, I went to get another shot to control my nervousness. I fucked up a bit by repeating a couple of lines of another part of the song in the end, but it was ok, because no one there (except for the band-members) noticed or gave a damn. I had fun while singing and I can't wait to learn this other song that I will be singing which I like a lot... So we'll see.

Fernando sings.

So, after we played I thought we were gonna just go home. But alas, nein... The drummer had loaned his set to the guys that were playing next, so we had to wait for him. I was thirsty for something non-alcoholic so my boyfriend and I went to try to find something to drink somewhere else. All we found was a whole bunch of roaches and closed places. So after I had a fit because I can't stand the sight of roaches, we walked back to the place. We then waited for the cover band to finish so we could go and all of the sudden some fight breaks out. Fortunately we were not in the middle of the situation but we did see a lot of people get into defense mode. My handbag got wet though, because apparently one girl a "cafre" girl threw a drink at some guy and he tried to grab a chair to throw at her... Yes, ladies and gentlemen, last night did not go without a bit of drama...

Michael testing his drum set.

Oh yeah... and the friend of the drummer's wife got so drunk she was in the bathroom for about two hours... Fernando had to help her get into the car... Poor thing, she mixed drinks and it makes sense that she got sick because she can't weigh more than 80 pounds. She's too skinny! I hope she's ok. After we got back to a rainy San Juan, we decided to go eat at Denny's so we went. After that it was a shower and bed. That's all folks... :)

Remison Silica, doin' our stuff. ;)




Spanish: Pronto va a ser una realidad. El nombre: apostrofe.com me gusta mucho. Ahora es cuestión de conseguir a alguien que lo diseñe. Porque en este pais es tan difícil conseguir diseñadores de web? Me enoja eso... Voy a ver si consigo a Pablo de Superaquello a ver si el me diseña el site de apostrofe, el de synthetic dreamers y el de la escuela... Hay tanto que hacer y tan poco tiempo para hacerlo.. :S

English version:Soon it will be a reality. Even though there has been some trouble, I'm gonna go ahead and do it. Call me crazy but I'm not gonna pay almost 500 dollars for a fluke. So I'm gonna talk to Pablo from Superaquello and I want him to do the synthetic dreamers site, the school site and apostrofe. I wonder how much THAT is gonna cost me. "Money is of no importance, only life is important." *The Fith Element*

What else? Well tonight we are playing (Remison Silica) in a remote town of the island but it's gonna be good practice for us to have a live audience.... *no matter how helpfull they may be* :P But it's gonna be a field trip, I just hope it dosen't keep raining, it's been raining cats, dogs and fuckin zorros all day... yikes. I can't wait to go to NYC, I already told Mimi that I wanna party my ass off and I wanna go dancing this time. I'm gonna try for this trip to be a "going out" trip instead of a "shopaholic" trip... even though she says that she has a whole lot of stores she just HAS to show me... hahaha dayum... now I'm even scared.




What the hell is wrong with squawkbox? All my comment windows are gone!!! *cries*




Hoy voy a escribir en español porque encontré un blog en español interesante! Ya era hora... La página se llama 24 Horas y la recomiendo ampliamente. Saludos Enid!

En otras noticias, me compré una cámara digital! Es una Leica Digilux y estoy enamorada... Es increíble! Ya mismo posteo fotos que he tomado. Mientras tanto recomiendo que visiten ésta página para que vean mi nueva baby: Yeah baby yeah!




These are the days of your life. I gotta go get "beautified" for my birthday so this will be a short note. I just noticed I had another blog floating somewhere that I had forgotten about. It's called "The Hours". I guess when I made that blog I had recently seen the movie The Hours with Nicole Kidman (playing the part of Virginia Woolf). Anyway, just an observation. Gah it's a hot day! But it's a beautiful day! That's the fact! Jack! Ok I got hiccups now. L8r



A new age... the age of Christ. 33 is the number that comes after 32. THAT is my age as of today: september 16, 2003. I'm 33. Yesterday I was 32. I don't feel so different. Maybe if I was turning 21 it would be another story because I'd be the legal age in the United States to drink. Except, I don't live in the united states, I live in Puerto Rico. So what difference does it make? This is my new age. Thirty three. Should that number have any new significance to me? Should I be doing something to change the world at this specific age? Could I even do anything to change the world or make it a better place if I tried? Hm... I'm 33 and there's still a war going on. People still hate each other. Nothing is going to change. Maybe this should be the age where I lighten up and not take every thing so seriously. Maybe I should get married or get divorced but I can't because I'm not married. It would be fun to get divorced from a stranger. That would be interesting. But seriously, what I really wanna do is do my photographs. I want to study photography again. I feel like everything technical is way past me. Things like lighting, flash photography, color techniques, etc. At least I still have my eye. So, that's a start. So I guess the difference is now that I'm 33 and I want to be a photographer. I already am in my mind. I just want people to see my photography and appreciate it for what it is.

Tomorrow I will celebrate with my boyfriend and my friends. I hope we all have fun.
Oh yeah...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE! hehe. :P l8r people.

from a brand new 33 year old,



.:24 Hours:.

It's been a while since I've posted here... Let's see, my two dogs have had operations or health problems in the last few weeks. One of them mostly has had discipline problems but the trainer should help me sort that out. I've been good, kind of melancholic, missing my mother. It will be another birthday without her. The good thing is I have my boyfriend. Without him this healing process would be much slower...

Last night I went dancing with my friend Manolo and met other friends there. The cool thing was I know the person at the door and I only had to pay 12 bucks for both of us... that was an unexpected pleasure. It was good seeing Laura also, I wasn't expecting she'd give us the discount. That was really sweet of her. I danced my ass off. My favorite was when one of the dj's played a re-mix of a White Stripes song... I forget the name but it rocks. That was cool. The place was full of come-mierdas but I guess that comes with the territory here. After all, the entrance cost 15 bucks with flyer 20 bucks without... Supposedly the guys from Cafe Tacuba were there but dammed if I saw them. The place was so hot and crowded... I would have prefered if it was at Pier 10, not at an Italian restaurant... wtf!? It was fun when I saw a friend's ex boyfriend that I hadn't seen in a while. I didn't recognize him at first, then he was like... girl what have you done with yourself!? You look great! I was kind of a smart ass because I replied: "it must be all the exercise I've been doing with my boyfriend" ha! That was funny. Anyway I think maybe I was a bit too harsh but if my memory serves me correctly that guy always treated me like shit. It was fun to do that little come back. Who cares anyway? :)

I've been getting some good ideas for photographs... I really wanna go to grad school and study photography this time. I went to film school, and it was great but my passion is definately photography. I still love film, but it's based on equipment work. In turn photography is more personal to me. It's just me and my camera and whatever gets captured in my frame. I've been talking lately about motivation, and it seems to me that talking is good but doing is better. So I'm gonna do this.

My cousin her husband and my niece are coming to Puerto Rico for Christmas. I can't fuckin wait! I haven't seen my niece in so long. She's awesome. I can't wait to have her around me. It's gonna be so much fun!

The band I'm in: Remison Silica is getting it on and I'm so happy about that. Wer'e going to be playing soon live which is gonna be good for us. I hope after that we can get going and just not look back. I especially hope this because I know we are going to need this re-affirmation to be able to go on. That makes sense to me anyway. So, I wish us success. :P




chain holding jack
Good stuff, you are "Wedding? I love
weddings! Drinks all around." You're the
life of the party and nothing gets you down,
not even certain death at the hands of your
zombie nemesis or the Navy. Come to think of
it, realism isn't your strong suit...

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hidden Beauty
You are the hidden beauty

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla



.:Grow Up!:.

Some people just don't grow the fuck up already... gah. As an observer of some people's lives, it gets to me how people can be so stubborn to never face up to the facts. But people like that don't even deserve me mentioning them here. So I'm gonna stop. But not before I say this: Get a Life for fuck's sake! Ok all done.

Now, more importantly, I have to go get ready to go out with some friends but meanwhile I'm hooked on watching Alias, I got the first season on dvd two nights ago and I like it! It's way better to watch it on dvd than on tv with commercials, bleh. And it's a plus also because I don't really have enough time lately to watch tv... sooooo it's alll good :P

I can't leave before giving a shout out to my boyfriend who's sacrificing himself by studying tonight. I feel for you honey. I promise not to have too much of a good time. Love you baby! mmmuaks




My latest addiction is this. I just can't post enough photographs! It's a new outlet and I love how people react to the pictures. It's also really interesting to see work from people all over the world. There are a lot of fotologers from Brasil, so I better learn some porkucheeze soon... either that or get a translator. heh My boyfriend and I saw League of Extraordinary men today... ahhhhh it wasn't that great, the only thing was being able to salivate over Stuart Townsend again after seeing Queen of the Dammed.... *mmmm* hehe. Here is a still of Stuie from that movie: www.imdb.com and look for League of Extraordinary Men The.

Have fun


.:This is a test:.

I'm having a fight with this new blogger. I hope this dosen't last... So, I'm not gonna say anything witty or interesting right now. This is just a test. :)



.:C'est La Vie:.

I think I will get into French classes again, I really wanna learn. I took three years of french in high school. I even read "Le Compte de Monte Cristo" (spelling?) in full french! That was such a big thing for me at that time. I have a cousin who lives in the french part of Canada and she told me when I learn french better she'll recommend some books. That sounds great. I can't wait to go to the Alliance Française to sign up again. C'est tout! Bon Soir tout le monde!



.:Go.. Nads!:.

First off let me tell you about my dog Dalí so you can understand this post because it's about him. He is a Yorkshire Terrier and I got him almost a year ago. Since he's been in my house, he torments my other dog Piccola, and has destroyed furniture and clothes and books, and pretty much everything that gets on his way. He's not really evil, it's just that he's a puppy and puppies do that. They like to play and they don't know that that coffee table cost mommy a lot of money! He just knows that it tastes good! He loves wood. Oh and now he loves to pee like a man!! :S

By the way, this is the guilty bastard, don't let his cuteness fool you... he's one mean motha...

As I was saying, he's adorable and all that. In fact he's edible he's so fuckin cute. But I decided that he's the dog and I'm the owner and I will not accept him destroying my house. So then I decided to get a dog trainer to come in here. She calls me this morning and tells me that in the message I left on her machine I sounded a bit desperate. I explained to her all that has happened and she recommended that I castrate him. Yeah, castrate him! I felt immediately sorry for the little fellow so now I don't know what to do. She was like ok so castrate him and call me when it's done... Terror. At least he's a puppy so he won't feel so much pain right? Well I asked that to the vet when I made the appointment for his castration and he said that it's a very simple operation and that there's usually no pain involved. I hope not, otherwise I'm gonna feel evil for wanting to castrate a puppy. But then again my house will thank me.
Oh yeah, did I mention his pee is ruining my floor as well? That's it! He's going in next monday and que será será.... Wish him luck... But remember, don't let his cuteness fool you... It fooled me. :/
